Mary Chapman,  features writer—

Mary graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in journalism. She began her career at United Press International, then spent a decade reporting for the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (now Bloomberg Industry Group). Mary has written extensively for The New York Times, and her work has appeared in publications such as Time, Newsweek, Fortune, and the Chicago Tribune. She’s won a Society of Professional Journalists award for outstanding reporting.

Articles by Mary Chapman

NORD’s Caregiver Respite Program Continues Through Pandemic

Caring for a loved one with a rare disease, especially during these uncertain times, demands significant time, attention, patience, and dedication. To help meet that need, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)’s Rare Caregiver Respite Program may be a helpful resource. The program seeks to give a…

Recreational Therapy for Late-onset Pompe Disease

Living with a chronic disorder such as late-onset Pompe disease can lead to anxiety, stress, and feelings of isolation. If you have the disease, recreational therapy may help to improve your psychological and physical well-being. What is Pompe disease? Pompe disease is a debilitating and progressive disorder that’s…

Massage Therapy for Pompe Disease

If you have late-onset Pompe disease, you likely will need to see many specialists such as pulmonary physicians, cardiologists, and physiotherapists to help you manage the disorder’s different symptoms. To help with muscle weakness and other Pompe disease-related symptoms, it also may be beneficial to add a massage…

Spoon Theory for Late-onset Pompe Disease Patients

If you have late-onset Pompe disease, you’re likely dealing with muscle weakness, aches, and cramps, and possibly headaches and fatigue. Many people may not understand how overwhelming all this can be, and it may not always be easy to explain. However, an analogy called the spoon theory can help…

Newborn Screening for Pompe Disease

Newborn screening for Pompe disease can help improve outcomes for babies and prevent a long diagnostic journey. Following is some information about newborn screening and how it can help the children and their parents. About Pompe disease Pompe disease is a rare genetic disease. It is characterized by…