
My son is starting to despise his breathing treatments

My soon to be 5-year-old son, Cayden, goes through a lot at his young age. Due to his infantile-onset Pompe disease, he has experienced many hardships. One of our current struggles is getting him to let me administer his breathing treatments. One symptom of Pompe disease is breathing problems.

We’re Excited About My Son’s New Adaptive Equipment

Awhile back, I donated my 4-year-old son Cayden’s used adaptive equipment. He’d outgrown his old stander, so we no longer had any use for it. While I was sad to see these things go — because it’s a reminder that he is getting older and bigger — I was…

The Travel Bug Has Infected This Pompe Warrior

For 25 years, my vacations had always revolved around visiting family. My wife and I would pack up the minivan and take our four boys to Southern California to visit Grandma. We did all the fun things, such as visit amusement parks and the beach. But the thought of traveling…

How My Children’s Experiences With Newborn Screening Differ

In the United States, every child gets tested for a multitude of rare diseases and conditions at birth. However, each state picks and chooses which rare diseases and conditions they’ll screen for. Pennsylvania, where I live, added Pompe disease to their newborn screening panel in February 2016, a…