
I’m Thankful I Can Depend on My Family for Help

When you have a child with a rare disease, it can be difficult to find people who are both comfortable and willing to care for them. It’s been a challenge to find people I trust enough to watch my 4-year-old son, Cayden, who has infantile-onset Pompe disease. Cayden…

Why I’m Donating My Son’s Used Adaptive Equipment

Over the years, our family has become quite familiar with various types of medical and adaptive equipment. My 4-year-old son, Cayden, has used several medical and adaptive devices to help make his life with infantile-onset Pompe disease a bit easier. However, like any kid would, he eventually outgrows…

Addressing My Son’s Mild Hearing Loss With New Ear Tubes

At my 4-year-old son Cayden’s last appointment with the otolaryngologist (ears, nose, and throat doctor, or ENT), the doctor and I decided that we should look into getting a new set of tubes for Cayden’s ears. Cayden, who has infantile-onset Pompe disease, showed signs of mild hearing loss during…