
How We Keep My Toddler Entertained During Infusions

Once a week, my 3-year-old son, Cayden, receives a six-and-a-half-hour infusion for his infantile-onset Pompe disease. I’ve previously shared a look inside his home infusions. However, some people wonder how we can keep my son entertained and content for such a long period of time. As Cayden has…

How to Deal With Guilt as a Rare Disease Parent

When my son, Cayden, was diagnosed with infantile-onset Pompe disease, I experienced a multitude of different emotions. One of the biggest things I struggled with was the guilt that came along with his diagnosis. Because Pompe is a genetic disease, I know I am part of the reason my son…

Celebrating All of My Child’s Milestones

All milestones that children reach are important. However, when my son, Cayden, reaches a milestone, it excites me in ways I can’t even explain. When Cayden was diagnosed with infantile-onset Pompe disease at the age of 1 month, I had no clue what to expect. It didn’t help…

Self-care Is Essential for Special Needs Parents

As special needs caregivers, we have many responsibilities. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning until the time our heads hit the pillow at night, our primary focus is caring for our child and their needs. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it can be…

For Wheelchair Users, Sandy Beaches Pose Challenges

Most people love the beach. Whether it’s your first time going to the beach or not, seaside vacations, and traveling in general, are almost always enjoyable. But what if you can’t get to the ocean once you’re there? Disabled individuals must find other ways…

Weighing the Unknowns of Family Planning

One of the hardest things about being a special needs parent is all of the unknowns. Not knowing what tomorrow will look like makes planning things a bit difficult. I am someone who likes to have plans set in stone. However, I’ve had to adjust,…

How Newborn Screening Saved My Son’s Life

One of the first tests my son had as a newborn was called a newborn screening test. This simple yet important blood sample is what started our journey with Pompe disease. The disease was added to Pennsylvania’s newborn screening panel one year before Cayden…