The Pompe Community Diaries - a Column by Anthony Wu

Anthony Wu lives in New York and has a child with Pompe disease, Geno, diagnosed through newborn screening in 2018. He hopes to share their path as well as the stories and journeys of other wonderful members in the Pompe community. Anthony is also part of the community advisory board for the International Pompe Association.

A Pompe patient shares the benefits of finding her community

In my last column, as part of “The Pompe Community Diaries” series, I introduced 47-year-old Katy Arvidson, who lives with Pompe disease and is the current Ms. Wheelchair Alaska USA. In a recent video chat with Arvidson, we discussed how finding community helped her mentally. Excerpts, edited for…

A Pompe patient’s journey to becoming Ms. Wheelchair Alaska

“The Pompe Community Diaries” is a series that follows the journeys, musings, and challenges of those in the Pompe disease patient community. This week, I’m introducing Katy Arvidson, who is the current Ms. Wheelchair Alaska USA. Katy is wheelchair- and ventilator-dependent because of Pompe disease. She lives in…

From basic training to treatment: An 8-year Pompe diagnosis journey

In this column, I’m introducing what I call “The Pompe Community Diaries,” a series that will follow the journeys, musings, and challenges of the fellow Pompe disease patient community. I’ll collaborate with community members to share their voices and day-to-day experiences over time. It’s a space meant to foster…