I’m Anxious to Meet My Son’s New ENT Specialist

While my 4-year-old son, Cayden, is no stranger to specialists, it’s always a bit nerve-wracking to meet a new doctor. No matter how many doctors we see, I always worry that Cayden will be too much for them to take on, due to his infantile-onset Pompe disease. We…

A Visit With the Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor

A few days ago, my 4-year-old son, Cayden, visited one of the specialists that he sees less frequently: the otolaryngologist, or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. Cayden’s been seeing this doctor since he was about 2. These checkups are necessary because Cayden has experienced hearing loss due to…

Pompe Disease and Anesthesia

People with Pompe disease will likely need, at some point, to undergo medical procedures that require anesthesia. Here is information about the different forms of anesthesia, how Pompe disease may complicate its use, and precautions doctors should take. What is Pompe disease? Pompe is a rare genetic disease caused…

Pompe Disease and Surgery

Patients with Pompe disease may have to undergo surgery requiring general anesthesia. Below is information about the disease, why patients may need surgery, and the potential risks of anesthesia. What is Pompe disease? Pompe disease is a rare genetic disease caused by a mutation in the GAA…