Explaining Hard Topics to My Rare Disease Toddler

Getting a toddler to understand things is a hard enough task by itself. However, trying to get my 3-year-old son, Cayden, to understand the things he has to go through due to his Pompe disease is even more challenging. Because of Pompe disease, he has been through more hardships than…

Celebrating All of My Child’s Milestones

All milestones that children reach are important. However, when my son, Cayden, reaches a milestone, it excites me in ways I can’t even explain. When Cayden was diagnosed with infantile-onset Pompe disease at the age of 1 month, I had no clue what to expect. It didn’t help…

Weighing the Unknowns of Family Planning

One of the hardest things about being a special needs parent is all of the unknowns. Not knowing what tomorrow will look like makes planning things a bit difficult. I am someone who likes to have plans set in stone. However, I’ve had to adjust,…