My Son’s Good News From His Checkup With the Pulmonologist

Last week, my 4-year-old son, Cayden, had a routine checkup with his pulmonary specialist. These visits occur about every six months. While we are certainly used to the appointments, we left with a great report this time, which isn’t always the case. Cayden’s pulmonologist has been seeing him since before…

Doctors Need Medical Advice Sometimes, Too

I often have to explain my son Cayden’s rare disease to medical professionals. But sometimes, they need more help than I can offer. While my knowledge of Pompe disease is pretty advanced, there are some questions I just don’t have answers to.  Cayden, 3, has been…

Treatment Team for Late-onset Pompe Disease

Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) can affect a number of different organs and systems in the body. If you have the disorder, you will need to see a multidisciplinary treatment team to ensure you receive the best possible care. Read on for more information about some of the complications that…