The Long Drive for My Son’s Nexviazyme Infusions Is Worth It

Recently, my 4-year-old son, Cayden, made the long-awaited change to Nexviazyme (avalglucosidase alfa) infusions, a new treatment option for Pompe disease. We have wanted to switch treatments for a while, but faced some insurance challenges that caused a delay. Nevertheless, we finally managed to get him switched, and…

Europe OKs Nexviadyme for Infantile- and Late-onset Disease

The European Commission has approved the next-generation enzyme replacement therapy Nexviadyme (avalglucosidase alfa) to treat both late-onset and infantile-onset Pompe disease. This is the first time a new treatment for Pompe has been approved in Europe since 2006, according to Nexviadyme’s developer Sanofi Genzyme. “For more than…

We’re Eyeing a Medication Switch to Nexviazyme

Recently, my 4-year-old son, Cayden, had an appointment with his metabolic specialist. This doctor manages everything related to his Pompe disease and is part of a team of doctors that diagnosed him when he was just 1 month old. They also oversee everything related to his enzyme replacement infusions.

Nexviazyme Approved in Canada as Next-gen ERT for Late-onset Pompe

Nexviazyme (avalglucosidase alfa), a next-generation enzyme replacement therapy, has been approved by Health Canada for people with late-onset Pompe disease ages 6 months and older. “The Health Canada approval of Nexviazyme is an important milestone for Canadian Pompe patients and may represent a new standard of care,” Mark…